To ensure that our investment advice and innovative products
and services translate into financial success and satisfaction to
all our stakeholders.
To be the leading and most preferred finance and investment
advisory firm in Ghana.
Our Culture
We are guided by the following values, in our operations and in the way we deal with all stakeholders;
- Client Focus
- Integrity
- Teamwork
- Social Responsibility
Our Uniqueness
Our uniqueness is founded on;
- Having a highly qualified, experienced and competent team.
- The professional approach to service and product delivery.
- Decision making process being driven by thorough research and investment analysis rather than subjective judgement.
- Diversification of investment portfolios to insulate against shocks and earn optimal returns.
- Being an active player in the industry, we have early access to timely investment information.
- Have over 40 years’ experience in managing provident funds, arranging and marketing commercial papers, offering trustee and custodian services, amongst other related services.
Our Thinking
UMB IHL understands investment to mean moving investors’ money from one point in time to a future time in a manner that assures maximum likelihood of safety and growth. At the core of the investment philosophy of UMB IHL is that, investment decisions are based on sound theoretical foundations which are applied through rigorous processes and informed judgement to ensure that client circumstances, preferences and goals inform portfolio structure.
It is UMB IHL’s conviction that capital and money markets are less efficient, hence dispassionate application of skill and effort through rigorous investment research will pay off in superior returns. Bottom-up equity and credit analysis is complemented by a specialist team focussing on economic analysis, capital markets projections, tactical asset allocation, technical and behavioural analysis and other capabilities.
Risk is inherent in any investment so UMB IHL’s goal is to ensure that it achieves superior performance with less than commensurate risk. In portfolio construction and risk management, portfolio managers are supported by a team with sophisticated skills in modelling, forecasting, scenario analysis and investment risk management.
This thinking drives the investment decisions that protect and maximise the wealth of our clients in the period they do business with us.
Learn more about each of the members on UMB Capital board and their background.
View the list of our management team members and the role they play in the organization.